About Us

About Us

About Steven

I stumbled through my first year of law school not knowing anything about checklists or how to memorize huge amounts of black letter law. Upper classmen didn’t share their tips and techniques, ostensibly because law is a very competitive environment. I wish I had all of these checklists and memory mnemonics that I offer BEFORE I started class. I created this website specifically to be an essential resource for law students both for essay exams in class and taking the State Bar exam. My degree has helped me tremendously as an executive in the construction industry and also when I founded my general contracting business. My ability to negotiate skyrocketed after completing law school.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide an essential place where law students can find study aids to prepare them to take law school essay exams and state bar essay exams. We do this by selling checklists, and memory mnemonics to aid in memorization of black letter law. Read it, write it, and repeat it. We also provide convenient links to each State Bar and helpful links to other websites that can assist the law school student with either prep, essays, or multiple choice questions. This website is everything I wish I had during my law school experience.

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