Criminal Law

Criminal Law Exam Guides


These products follow the MAStrCrimPImGS mnemonic for Criminal Law, which covers Murder, Attempt, Structural Crimes, Personal crimes, Imputed liability, General defenses, and Statutory crimes. Each subcategory has mnemonics to memorize the black letter law. The checklist is a logical flow of who or what is being targeted and the elements of the crime (or defense).

Check Out Our Criminal Law Exam Videos


  • These Criminal Law mnemonics and checklist will assist you with memorization of black letter law and organizing your response to an essay exam question. Straight forward and clear text that will enable students to memorize each sub-category and apply the principles towards the analysis of a criminal law question quickly and efficiently.
  • The Murder mnemonic helps you memorize homicide, malice, degrees of murder, defenses, voluntary and involuntary manslaughter with notes on tips for answering murder essays. Attempt mnemonic helps you memorize specific intent, substantial prep, apparent ability, defenses, and special situations. Structural and Theft crimes mnemonic help you memorize arson, burglary, larceny, robbery, receipt of stolen goods, false pretenses, embezzlement, and extortion. The checklist has a handy table that helps you analyze the time, control and force analysis of larceny, robbery and extortion.
  • The Pre-commission Crimes mnemonic helps you memorize solicitation, and conspiracy including defenses. The Imputed Liability mnemonic helps you memorize the felony murder rule, accomplice liability, accessory liability and applicable defenses. The General Defenses mnemonic helps you memorize justifications, excuses, and mitigation with special notes on insanity defenses and statutory definitions (mens rea, actus reus, concurrence and causation).
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