Criminal Law checklist and memory mnemonics to aid in memorization of black letter law.
Contract Law checklist and memory mnemonics to aid in memorization of common law contracts and UCC article 2.
Commercial Law checklists and mnemonics will aid in the memorization of on the Uniform Commercial Codes Articles 2 Contract for Goods, 3 Negotiable Instruments and 9 Secured Transactions.
Constitutional Law checklist and memory mnemonics to aid in memorization of judicial review, federal power, legislative power, state power and individual guarantees.
Remedies checklist and memory mnemonic aid in the memorization of damages, restitution and equity.
The Federal Taxation checklist is a mnemonic (TGDECATP) to aid in memorization of the most common Internal Revenue Codes for determining tax liability.
Criminal Law checklist and memory mnemonics to aid in memorization of black letter law.
The GATT checklist is a memory mnemonic to aid in the memorization of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
Employment Law checklists are memory mnemonics to aid in the memorization of the American with
Disabilities Act (ADA), the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act (ADEA), and
Title VII if the Civil Rights Act. is owned and administered by Proterra Builders, Inc. A California Corporation.
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