Article 2 Contract for Sale of Goods follows AFPBR mnemonic and will aid you in the memorization of Law, Formation, Acceptance, Consideration, Modification, Performance, and Remedies. These are in depth information on UCC Article 2 rules, which are different from common law contracts rules. The formation focuses on the offer in 2-201 and statute of frauds, acceptance in 2-206, consideration open price 2-305 and output K 2-306, and modifications, rescissions and waiver 2-209. Performance address everything from delivery 2-3067 to breach 2-601. Remedies focuses on the buyer’s remedies and the seller’s remedies. This is an in-depth memory aid for Article 2. Straight forward and clear text that will enable students to memorize each sub-category and apply the principles towards the analysis of a contracts law question quickly and efficiently. is owned and administered by Proterra Builders, Inc. A California Corporation.
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