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International Trade Checklist

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This checklist focuses on mnemonics that will assist you with memorization of GATT and will greatly help organize your response to an essay exam question. Straight forward and clear text that will enable students to memorize each sub-category and apply the principles towards the analysis of an International Trade Law GATT question quickly and efficiently.

In determining an issue, the 10 page checklist logically goes through
  1. member status (both parties),
  2. liberalizing trade through most favored nation status, maximum tariff levels, national treatment, and non-tariff barriers,
  3. conflict resolution through nullification or impairment, consultation, and dispute settlement, and finally
  4. permissible exceptions (non-member developing nation, preferred trade agreements, security exceptions, general exceptions, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures)
Key links to GATT articles can be found at the WTO website:
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International Trade Checklist
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